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Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

You'll Get Lucky with Nexus Pheromones-love will be yours

You'll Get Lucky with Nexus Pheromones

If you're reading this you've done the bar scene and it's safe to say you want to get your love on.

This comes easier to some guys than others.  Biology plays favourites sometimes, or so it seems.  After all, some guys are 6 3', have the face of a Greek god and a body fat percentage in the single digits.  Other guys are a foot shorter, look average at best and carry that extra Twinkie they quaffed with Tuesday's breakfast like a subtle reminder that he ranks lower on the evolutionary scale.

You're reading this article because you want the quality woman that you're attracted to.  Nature evolved women so they're attracted to tall, dark and handsome like we go for young, vivacious and curvy.  Keep reading.  There's a way to level the playing field.

Have you heard of pheromones?  They're that chemical secretion thing that you've heard in passing over the last few years in documentary specials and seduction books.  Yawn.  How's that gonna help me get the girl I want, right?

Well hear this.  Women are 1000 times more susceptible to pheromones than men.  Nexus Pheromones offers you the means to tap a biological desire to mate that's so strong it's been passed down from every living organism since life started.  You know, like, the first living cell, billions of years ago!  Nature made pheromones so living creatures can decode a mate's suitability for reproduction.

And thanks to Nexus Pheromones, you just spray it on.

Want proof that it works?  Go to YouTube and search for  20/20 Pheromones Experiment .  Or Google  Pheromone Studies .  The science of it all is that organisms secrete pheromones to convey a biological message, whether it's sadness, anger, jubilation or a desire for some lovin'.

Pheromones are so effective that they bypass the  rational  side of the brain and are processed by the olfactory system, which is also responsible for smell.  There's an interesting correlation here between scent and pheromones - they both have an unusually powerful influence on our memories and emotions.  Just like a certain smell might remind you of a long-forgotten memory as a child, pheromones tell the recipient on a subconscious level exactly what's on your agenda.

Now the cool part for guys who aren't 6 3'  or a spitting image of George Clooney.  Nexus Pheromones has discovered seven key pheromone compounds associated with healthy, attractive, fertile young men that are clinically proven to attract women.

Much of this discovery can be attributed to the work of renowned human sex pheromone scientist James Vaughan Kohl, who for 25 years has researched human pheromones and the role they play in mating.

Thanks to Vaughan's work, Nexus Pheromones offers an elixir of biological stimulants to women, so  they associate you with strength, fertility and health.  In other words, wear Nexus Pheromones and she's very likely to have intercourse with you.

You've got to roll up your sleeves and do a little work of your own of course, it ain't all beer and skittles!  But imagine being able to stroll up to that curvy brunette you'd normally shy away from and introduce yourself, while knowing that you're subconsciously and biologically telling her that she wants to mate with you.

In your typical bar on a Friday night, you're very aware that more often than not, the odds work in her favor.  After all, guys usually outnumber woman in this environment by at least two to one.

She can choose any guy she wants because she knows that each one of these guys wants to spread his seed with as many suitors as possible.  She's got the pick of the bar.

Now, how'd you like to flip those odds?  So instead of her having her pick of a hundred guys just dying to take her home, she only has one pick, because her biology, her essence, her mind and body are convinced that you are the only guy she wants to be with?

Click Here Now To Get Nexus Pheromones.

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agustopa is a nexus pheromones review blogger and enthusiast to learn more about how to attract women naturally visit my blog

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